Spiders are relatively low-cost exotic pets. They tend to be solitary, so you don't have to worry about caring for more than one. They won't wreck your furniture, and they certainly won't wake you up at 4:30 am with their barks or requests for food. It's essential to find the spider type that suits your circumstances, not just for your convenience and household safety but for the spider's long-term well-being. Many of the best pet spiders are tarantula sub-species with different pros and cons, but there are other kinds of spiders for beginners to consider, too.
Pink-toe tarantulas live for between five and ten years. They require a high 10-gallon tank and objects to climb. Pink-toes sometimes aren't in the mood to be handled, and they may jump, but they're not prone to biting. Still, they're not the best option for kids. In general, keep your spiders away from other pets for both pets' sakes. And dedicate time each week to feedings and tank or terrarium cleanings.
Brazilian black tarantulas have one of the best temperaments out there. They rarely bite, and their venom is mild, but the fangs of full-grown ones may cause harm. In addition, they're active but not quick or unpredictable. There's a high demand for Brazilian blacks, which is why it's sometimes difficult to purchase one.
Chilean rose tarantulas are tolerant and laidback and make good options for children. They're common in pet stores, love a humid environment, and grow slowly. They're also one of the spiders with longevity on their side. Chilean roses are burrowers. You'll need to gently touch them with a stick to test whether handling is a good idea or not at a particular time. Owners should handle spiders on the floor because falls can be fatal.
Mexican red-knees have an impressive appearance and are popular choices. Females can live up to an astonishing 30 years, and males live for around ten years. Tarantulas have venomous bites, but Mexican red-knees are pretty calm, easy to handle, and reluctant to bite. Be sure to wash your hands after touching one to prevent any damage that can arise from the spider's hairs. You'll need a 20-gallon tank for this arachnid.
Curly-haired tarantulas grow fast and are docile and pretty safe overall. The bigger ones may be keen on having more than just mealworms and crickets, and feedings could cost more than with other species. Like other pet spiders, curly-haired tarantulas require time to get used to being handled. And even then, you don't want to pick them up too much, or you risk stressing them out. If they do get stressed, their bites are mild.
Costa Rican zebra tarantulas are timid and quick, and they don't take too kindly to being handled. A Costa Rican zebra's venom is toxic, and they launch their harmful hairs at perceived threats. The females can live for up to two decades. While easy to care for, this species is best left to experts and experienced exotic pet owners.
Fishing spiders are water babies. They're the water sports enthusiasts of the spider world because they dive, swim, walk on water and eat water creatures such as guppies and toads. A 10-gallon tank with a pool and living plants should suffice. This species lives for up to two years and is appropriate for people who aren't as interested in handling spiders.
There are different kinds of jumping spiders, and many of them are a treat. Jumping spiders are not big on biting unless you handle them poorly. And while they're relatively tiny, they need space to do their thing, namely jumping. They have short lifespans and live for only about a year.
Crab spider backyard encounters are not uncommon, and with their sideways movements, kids sometimes mistake them for crabs. This species does not spin webs but uses camouflage to catch and kill their prey. They need a 5-gallon tank that could pass for a mini garden with natural plants. Expect a one to two-year lifespan.
Unlike most spiders that are solitary or aggressive toward others of their ilk, the huntsman is a social animal. So, if you're a spidey enthusiast and want to get more than one, this might be the species for you. You'll need live insects for, well, hunting. Huntsman spiders bite, and even though their venom isn't considered deadly, allergic reactions are possible. Avoid handling spiders without suitable gloves.
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