Some people are terrified of frogs and toads because certain kinds are deadly poisonous, but most frogs aren't lethal. Frogs are cute and aren't showy about it like cats, dogs, and other fluffy critters. These amphibians are relatively affordable and low-maintenance pets that don't need to be walked and eat primarily insects and small mice. But they're still a commitment, and you'll need to ensure that you source yours from an ethical breeder who's tested it for disease. Before you take the leap and get one of these fantastic frogs, check that local laws permit you to keep one.
No surprises here—this small frog's belly looks like a flame-lit Fourth of July barbeque. The orange and black-spotted underside contrasts with a warty green top half. Originally from East Asia, these hardy frogs have longevity and can live for a quarter of a century with proper care. These frogs are diurnal and active during the day, so you can observe their activity during breakfast or a lunch break. You'll need at least a 10-gallon aquarium for this semi-aquatic species, and be sure to wash your hands straight after handling so the toxin in your frog's skin doesn't affect your skin.
An excellent choice for kids, this silvery-green terrestrial species with a grayish-white belly isn't aggressive and has a smiley mouth. Coming in at about four inches long, it's a perfect candidate if you want to handle your frog, but White's tree frogs are nocturnal so try not to disturb them if they're sleeping during the day. Wash your hands in warm water before handling—this protects your frog from the chemicals in lotions and similar substances. Provide climbing enrichment in at least a 15-gallon tall enclosure.
This one's a beauty of Amazonian origin and comes in various colors. Some really are as bright as Pacman characters and have mouths as big as their namesake. Pacman frogs won't be winning any Olympic medals in the pool anytime soon—they're bad swimmers and stick to land. But they're big at seven inches long, and their brawn comes in handy in the jungle. These frogs have sharp teeth, so wear gloves and prepare for a 10-year commitment.
These small cuties look like they've been drenched in ketchup or hot sauce—they're a deep orangey-red and hail from the island of Madagascar. They're found in various habitats, adapt to different environments, and live for around eight years. Tomato frogs burrow and climb and prefer not to be handled. The females are larger than the males.
Native to states like Florida and Virginia, these frogs are good options for new frog owners, although they're not keen on being handled. They don't live all that long and rarely exceed five years old. You'll need to spend an hour every week cleaning your frog's enclosure because these animals, in general, are sensitive.
These frogs like to chill out on leafy branches, just like monkeys. They have a waxy coating to keep their skin cool and moist. Another frog native to the Amazon, small waxy monkeys, will need a humid environment and enough space to climb. A 20-gallon tank should do the trick.
The two red-eyed species are found in rainforests in Central America. There are subtle differences between them, such as horizontal pupils instead of vertical ones. Both have green bodies with hints of blue and orange unwebbed feet. They are a challenge even beginners can take on, but they're not long-lived. You can keep a group of Central American red-eyed frogs without issue.
These frogs are new on the scene and can live for about a decade. They have a unique appearance with blackish-brown markings on the lightest greeny-blue bodies. Amazon milk frogs produce a milky-white substance when they're fearful, which can make predators feel ill. You can house multiple frogs together but refrain from handling them frequently.
Also known as pixie frogs, these olive green frogs are anything but dainty. The males are larger and reach 10 inches long; these frogs can live for an impressive 35 years. You'll need a 20-gallon enclosure for the hefty African bullfrog that's second in size to goliath frogs.
These frogs, AKA yellow-banded darts, are from Venezuela and require very humid 10-gallon tanks, so you'll need a heating lamp. They're tiny at just 1.5 inches long, but they're loud and have outsized personalities, and you'll enjoy observing these little croakers up close. Bumblebee dart frogs are poisonous, so they're good if you've had a beginner frog for a while and know how to handle frogs safely.
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